Sponsored by Westpak Inc.
Webinar: Sterile Barrier Testing
Certified Amazon Package Test Lab
Mechanical Shock and Vibration Testing
Accelerated Aging Time (AAT) Calculator
Scuff and Abrasion Testing
Parker Solar Probe’s Particle Instrumentation
UV Accelerated Weathering
The United States of Adventure
Confirmed: The Open Office Is Worse
Sterile Barrier Testing

Westpak presents a webinar on validating sterile barrier systems used in medical device and pharmaceutical packaging. The focus is
case studies on Gross Leak Detection and Dye Penetration testing. Test procedures are reviewed, and test failures that occurred during testing are displayed and discussed. Plus tips are offered that you can use to avoid similar missteps with your products.
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Certified Amazon Package Test Lab
Westpak joined the Amazon Packaging Support and Supplier Network (APASS) as a Packaging Testing company. Westpak's testing supports Amazon's sellers by certifying their products under the Frustration-Free Packaging (FFP) program. A Certified ISTA Testing Laboratory, Westpak is authorized to certify products as Amazon FFP, as well as Ships-In-Own-Container (SIOC) and Prep-Free Packaging (PFP).
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Mechanical Shock and Vibration Testing
Westpak's test capability includes shock and vibration testing on a broad set of products for many purposes. The mechanical shock machines have seen components as small as integrated circuit packages to data servers on their tables. The vibration testers available are used to evaluate products and packages for design purposes as well as to simulate the effects of the distribution environment.
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Accelerated Aging Time (AAT) Calculator
The Accelerated Aging Time (AAT) Calculator is a useful tool to evaluate what-if scenarios for accelerated shelf life testing time vs. temperature options. This simple tool determines AAT by means of the Arrhenius equation. Inputs are the Desired Real Time (RT) in months, Ambient Temperature, and Aging Factor. You can determine the AAT for any Accelerated Aging Temperature (Taa).
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Scuff and Abrasion Testing
The resistance to abrasion and scuffing, which can occur in manufacturing, transportation, or in-use environments, is often required of products, packaging, and labels. Specialized test machines are used to evaluate abrasion test specimens. Westpak uses a Sutherland Rub Test machine to determine the abrasion resistance of printed materials per ASTM D5264.
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Parker Solar Probe's Particle Instrumentation
Meet EPI-Lo, one of two Energetic Particle Instruments onboard NASA's Parker Solar Probe. There are 80 dime-sized openings that enable electron and ion composition measurements from the sun's corona and solar wind as the probe passes close by at 430,000 mph. EPI-Hi, another instrument, can detect up to 100,000 high-energy particles per second. Over 20 years in the making, the mission should provide a better understanding of solar particles.
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UV Accelerated Weathering
Westpak's accelerated weathering tester reproduces the damage to products caused by sunlight, rain, and dew. In a few days or weeks, the tester can reproduce the damage that occurs over months or years outdoors. The test machine exposes test samples to alternating cycles of UV light and moisture at controlled, elevated temperatures.
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The United States of Adventure
If your must-do respite includes adventure, check this out: "The Most Epic Adventures in America's 50 States." Whether you're into fishing (MO), spelunking (GA), backpacking (MN), biking (MI), surfing (CA), motorcycling (MS), canoeing (MT), tanking (NE), sand collecting (NM), or nearly anything else outdoors, here's your calling.
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Confirmed: The Open Office Is Worse
In a unique 2018 study, Harvard Business School researchers studied data gathered from sensors embedded in employee security badges worn before and after moves from traditional to open office layouts. The researchers found that the open office environment didn't bring positive change as expected. Results: the number of interactions decreased, emails increased, many did their best to look busy, and privacy was sought more frequently.
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